Why Choose Our Commercial Spray Foam Insulation?
Icynene is the preferred choice when it comes to commercial spray foam insulation, agricultural and residential projects. This unique spray foam insulation is 100% water blown and meets all of your needs from important condensation issues to insulation values.
Many Buildings in the UK lack efficient insulation, as a result of this, these properties pay more in utility bills to keep their property insulated throughout the year, however, lose valuable heat due to poor insulation and can also experience condensation problems. At Evergreen Power we provide spray foam insulation for commercial properties and it is one of the most revolutionary insulation methods on the market.
Performance Benefits
- Extreme Energy Efficiency
- Moisture Management
- Noise Reduction
- Improved Indoor Air Quality
Process Benefits
- Design Flexibility
- New Builds & Renovations
- Global Approval
- World Leading Spray Foam
Icynene Spray Foam Insulation in Croydon Boxpark
Icynene spray foam was applied to the Boxpark Croydon project in Summer 2016. This was an application of Icynene to over 6000m2 of an innovative commercial park which hosts over 40 drink and food providers. Icynene spray foam insulation brings a number of excellent qualities as outlined in the video above, so when choosing spray foam, choose Evergreen, there is a difference.
It’s More Than Insulation
Icynene spray foam meets your every need from insulation value to critical condensation control issues. It’s also an air barrier that seals cracks and crevices other insulation types miss out, easily providing a superior air seal even in the most unconventional designs.
Approval by many global organizations:
- ICC-ES: International Code Council Evaluation Service (USA)
- CCMC: The Canadian Construction Materials Centre
- BBA: The British Board of Agrément (United Kingdom)
- ATec: Avis Technique (France)
- EEA: European Economic Area
- VTT: European Technical Approval
- NSAI/IAB: National Standards Authority of Ireland/Irish Agreement Board
As the pioneers of the insulating spray foam industry and building science experts, Evergreen Power work closely with builders and architects to make sure that Icynene spray foam is properly integrated with other building system elements for complete building performance.
Don’t settle for less. Get in touch with London’s No.1 commercial insulation contractors today!