Spray Foam Insulation – Huntsman Building Solutions Contractor


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Is Spray Foam Insulation Flammable? Answered

When deciding whether spray foam insulation is right for you, you need to consider whether it is flammable. Of course there are several other aspects that are more of a concern when deciding the correct insulation, such as: its ability to revoke air leakage; its ability as soundproofing spray foam; and of course affordability. However, surprisingly the flammability of an insulation is overlooked. Bizarre isn’t it? Don’t people want to feel safe at home? Well, if you’re reading this you care for the safety of your home and your family.

Why Should I Care If My Insulation Is Flammable?

I know, I know. This seems pretty obvious. However, the importance of being aware of whether your insulation is flammable cannot be more over-expressed. Surprisingly enough there are insulations that can actually reduce the rate of fire spreading. In the worst case of a fire, time is of the essence.

Did You Know?

Did you know that about 30 years ago you had 17 minutes to escape a burning building? Nowadays you only have 4 minutes to escape; with newer properties burning much quicker. Not much time is it? So imagine if there was a way to provide you with an additional 30 minutes. With spray foam insulation that is possible. 


The Difference Between Fire Retardant and Fireproof?

When deciding whether an insulation is flammable or fireproof it important to note that an insulation that is inflammable isn’t necessarily the best. Homeowners are being convinced by companies that choosing an insulation that is inflammable is the most effective insulation on the market. But the truth? There is no insulation that is fully fireproof and there is more you need to know about the way in which the insulation will react to a fire. All insulations becomes flammable within a short period of time. Don’t worry. There’s a solution. Many newer insulations are made to be fire retardant. But what is the difference?

Fireproof also referred to as fire resistance means that the substance is inflammable, therefore able to withstand fire. However as stated there is no insulation in the market that has such quality. Yet.

Whereas, fire retardant refers to a substance that is used to reduce the rate of fire spreading. This is possible due to preservatives within the foam insulation that reduce the flammability of the fuels and potentially reduce the rate of combustion

Is Icynene Spray Foam Insulation Flammable?

Homeowners are still hesitant when choosing spray foam, concerns about: health hazards, flammability and effectiveness. As previously stated it takes 30 minutes for Icynene spray foam to become flammable. Which is impressive in comparison to traditional insulation which are more prone to fires and contribute to the fire spread. Insulation such as Icynene spray foam is fire retardant. This therefore acts as a great substance to reducing the rate of flames spreading.

Traditional Insulation – Are They Fireproof?

Is Fibreglass Insulation Flammable?

Fibreglass insulation is in fact ‘fireproof’. Here’s the thing, fibreglass doesn’t catch afire however the insulation burns rapidly. The rate of flame spreading is insignificantly, if not effected at all. This therefore proves emphasises the importance of not believing that all fireproof insulations are superior than others.  

Is Cellulose Insulation Flammable?

Cellulose is an insulation made out of recycled newspaper. This form of insulation may seem like the most flammable one of the lot. You’d think? However, a chemical called boric acid is added to the insulation, which adds a fire-retardant surface. However the chemical only adds a coating to the insulation, which eventually wears off during time. This leaves the insulation prone to becoming flammable. 

Is Polyester Insulation Flammable?

Polyester is far from fireproof. Polyester is a highly flammable material. A popular form of insulation in the majority of European households. In attempts to improve the fireproof properties of polyester a fire protection foil is layered on top.

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